Эр хүнгүйгээр жаргаж буй 14 эмэгтэйгээс суралц

03 сарын 08, 2019

Эрэгтэй хүн л ганц хүнтэй "үдэшлэг" хийж болдог юм биш. Эмэгтэй хүн ч эрэгтэй хүнийг хүлээж хэрэгцээгээ хангахгүй ангах ёстой юм биш. Эмэгтэй хүн өөрийнхөө дурыг хангах үйл сүүлийн жилүүдэд эрчимтэй дэлгэрч, секс тоглоомын зах зээл тэсрэлт хийж, технологийн ахиц гаргаж буй. Эмэгтэй хүний бараг бүхий л сонирхолд нийцсэн тоглоом гарч, одууд түүнийг нь сурталчлах боллоо. 

Энэ өдөр бид дэлгэцээр дур хангасан эмэгтэйчүүдийг нэгтгэлээ. Эдгээрээс харахад нэг л зүйл тодорхой болно. ЭМЭГТЭЙЧҮҮД Ч ГЭСЭН ДУР ХҮСЭЛТЭЙ ЮМ БАЙНА. 

Эллисон Уильямс, 'Girls'

2 Кейтлин Стейси, 'Reign'

3 Бет Беррс, 'Two Broke Girls'

4 Лиа Делария, 'Orange Is the New Black'

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">The scene: </strong>Boo is seen getting off with the end of a screwdriver, because when in jail, you gotta make due. </p><p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Her <a href="https://www.afterellen.com/tv/197111-lea-delaria-talks-orange-is-the-new-black-screwdrivers-and-laura-prepon/2">comments</a> on it:</strong> "I jumped up and down like a little girl. I was that excited. Because I knew it was going to be something that people will remember. And indeed, it is. The first take, I started laughing because I made the mistake of thinking about what I was doing. That's a huge mistake when acting—you shouldn't think about it. So, the first take was one of the first shots on our gag reel. It was me, starting to masturbate, and howling with laughter. It's just like, 'What am I doing? I'm getting paid to do this.' I can't tell you how many people have asked me to autograph their screwdrivers."</p>

5 Илана Глейзер, 'Broad City'

6 Эми Адамс, 'Junebug'

7 Жоан Аллен, 'Pleasantville'

8 Кейт Уолш, 'Just Before I Go'

9 Мэгги Гилленхаал, 'Secretary'

10 Шири Эпплби, 'Unreal'

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">The scene:</strong> Rachel is masturbating to porn with a vibrator in the back of a van.</p><p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Her <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ShiriAppleby/posts/10153492634162658">comments</a> on it:</strong> "The opening and closing scenes of episode 105 of <em data-redactor-tag="em" data-verified="redactor">UnREAL</em> really sparked a conversation. Who knew a women pleasuring herself would be so newsworthy."</p>

11 Наоми Уоттс, 'Mullholland Drive'

12 Натали Портман, 'Black Swan'

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">The scene:</strong> Okay, so Portman's masturbation scene was kind of unrealistic (for most women, masturbating isn't a male's fantasy come to life, like it was depicted in this film)—but it basically consists of her writhing around on her bed.</p><p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Her <a href="https://www.mtv.com/news/2438013/natalie-portman-black-swan-masturbation-scene/">comments</a> on it:</strong> "So disgusting. It was akin to the experience of watching the movie with my parents sitting next to me, let me tell you."</p>

13 Райли Кхоу, 'The Girlfriend Experience'

14 Лиззи Каплан, 'Masters of Sex'

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">The scene:</strong> Her character stands completely naked and masturbates as Michael Sheen's character watches.</p><p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Her <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXXSsrcZei4">comments</a> on it:</strong> "That was shitty. I could not have been more well protected...crew was as paired down as possible, these are my friends now. I just remember sitting in my trailer feeling for the first time since being on the show that I don't know if I can walk out there. What is it going to take to be able to walk out there and do this." </p><p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong">Follow </strong><strong data-redactor-tag="strong"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/MarieClaire/" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?hl=en&q=https://www.facebook.com/MarieClaire/&source=gmail&ust=1499777387523000&usg=AFQjCNEaVL5AKCRVqVTmgnMwMQn5t4ze6Q">Marie Claire on F</a><a href="https://www.facebook.com/MarieClaire/" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?hl=en&q=https://www.facebook.com/MarieClaire/&source=gmail&ust=1499777387523000&usg=AFQjCNEaVL5AKCRVqVTmgnMwMQn5t4ze6Q">acebook</a></strong><strong data-redactor-tag="strong"> for the latest celeb news, beauty tips, fascinating reads, livestream video, and more.</strong></p>

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